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18. May 2022

Data Week Leipzig: Registration open

Transfer and Service

The Data Week Leipzig from 4th – 8th July 2022 in the new town hall (Neues Rathaus) Leipzig aims at strengthening the exchange and networking on artificial intelligence and data on a regional and national level. Registration is open now!

Leipzig’s IT landscape is dynamic and lively. Besides the young start-up scene, numerous renowned companies and research institutes have settled in Leipzig. To expand its visibility beyond Saxony’s borders, the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V. has joined forces with partners ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, eccenca GmbH, the DBpedia Association and the AKSW network (Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web) to organize the Data Week Leipzig in cooperation with the City of Leipzig from 4th to 8th July 2022.

The Data Week Leipzig will be opened with greetings by the Mayor of Leipzig Burkhard Jung and Saxony’s Minister of State for Science, Sebastian Gemkow. A conference on data and artificial intelligence will be held for the first time on the premises of Leipzig City Hall. Political, scientific and societal perspectives on these two topics will be presented in various event formats. In addition, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas with regional companies and associations, presenting their work at information stands in the town hall’s foyer (Obere Wandelhalle).

Big Data and AI in Business 2022

As part of Data Week Leipzig 2022, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig organizes the fifth edition of Big Data and AI in Business (BDIB) on July 7th. BDIB is a one-day workshop, which will take place at the town hall of Leipzig.

BDIB aims to foster the transfer of research results in the areas Big Data, Data Science and AI into business applications. Furthermore, we want to improve the practical and professional exchange of information between application partners and stakeholders in the Big Data and AI industry. Speakers of regionally and internationally operating organizations will present their practical experiences regarding new methods in Data Science, Big Data and AI in specific business and application areas.

Furthermore, the Living Lab of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig gives researchers the opportunity to present their latest research results by using our demonstrators. Ultimately we try to inspire innovative approaches and establish a platform for further pilot projects and cooperations. All participants are invited to take part in a joint dinner at the end of the workshop.

Further information on the program and registration can be found on the Data Week Leipzig website.

Logos of the cooperation partners of Data Week Leipzig.
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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.