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Volker Markl (13.11.2023)

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig announces and welcomes you to join its public colloquium session on Monday, 13.11.2023 at 1:15-2:45 p.m. CET. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Volker Markl. The colloquium takes place at the large seminar room at ScaDS.AI Leipzig (details below) and in parallel online (link to Zoom session).

Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm, Director of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and Chair of Databases at Leipzig University, invites Prof. Dr. Volker Markl.

Photo. Prof. Volker Markl (TU Berlin)

Prof. Dr. Volker Markl

  • Director of BIFOLD and Chair of DIMA, both at TU Berlin
  • Head of IAMD, DFKI Lab Berlin

NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of Things 

The global database research community has greatly impacted the functionality and performance of data storage and processing systems along the dimensions that define “big data”, i.e., volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. Although much progress has been made, when looking at the overall big data stack, a major challenge for the database research community still remains. That is, how to maintain the ease-of-use despite the increasing heterogeneity and complexity of data analytics, involving a complex environment that stresses various aspects of an end-to-end data analytics pipeline; in particular, how to operate in a massively distributed environment, processing thousands of concurrent, continuous queries on millions of streaming data sources.

At TU Berlin, DFKI, and the Berlin Institute for Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) we currently aim to advance research in this field via the NebulaStream project. Our goal is to remedy some of the heterogeneity challenges that hamper developer productivity and limit the use of data science technologies to just the privileged few who are coveted experts.

In this talk, we will outline how state-of-the-art stream processing engines (SPEs) have to change to exploit the new capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT) and showcase how we tackle specific challenges. We will present our vision for the NebulaStream system, provide an overview of its architecture, and discuss several of our key research challenges. Furthermore, we will present its current status as well as our steps towards establishing a thriving open-source community around the system.

Related publication

Zeuch, S. et al. NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of ThingsDatenbank Spektrum 22(2):131–141 (2022). DOI:10.1007/s13222-022-00415-0.

About Prof. Dr. Volker Markl

  • Database systems researcher at the intersection of distributed systems, scalable data processing and machine learning
  • Co-received the 2023 ACM SIGMOD Systems Award for Apache Flink, which had grown out of the led DFG project Stratosphere (2010-2019)
  • ACM fellow and former President of the VLDB Endowment; best papers at ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, and  ICDE(a.o.)


ScaDS.AI Leipzig
Löhrs Carré, Humboldtstrasse 25, 04105 Leipzig
3rd floor, large seminar room (A 03.07 “Zwenkauer See”)

In parallel online via Zoom (for the link see above, during the session only)

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.