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Girls’ Day

Each year female students, which are based in Germany, can take part in Girls’ Day. Girls from 5th grade upwards can take a sneak peek into jobs, which are more often taken up by men. With our participation, we aim to motivate young girls to make stereotype-free career choices. Therefore, we want to specifically inspire and excite many young female students in the large field of AI research. Interested? Come visit our center this year to find out more about our scientist’s work in AI, Big Data and Data Science. We are happy to welcome you in our Living Labs at TU Dresden und Leipzig University!

Girls’ Day 2024

This years Girls’ Day will take place on April 25th! You can join us in our Living Labs in Leipzig and Dresden.

Further information can be found on the official website of the event. Please note, that a registration is required for participation. We are looking forward to welcoming many young female scientists to our AI Competence Center in 2024.

Previous Girls’ Day programs at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig has regularly participated in Girls’ Day in the last few years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we organized a digital program. Since 2022, we welcome girls in our Living Labs again. See the related blog posts for more information on each program:

Check out our event calendar for more information about our upcoming events!

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.