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Generate City Information from Historical Images with AI

Topic: Generate City Information from Historical Images with AI

Date: 20. September 2023, 5:00 p.m. 

Location: Living Lab at TUD Dresden University of Technology, Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau (Room: 1020), Nöthnitzer Str. 46, 01187 Dresden

Language: German

Equipment: Please, bring your own Laptop.

Format: Hackathon in presence

Hackathon: Generate City Information from Historical Images with AI

Artificial intelligence techniques are all the rage right now. At the hackathon, learn how artificial intelligence is currently being used in research and thus expands the possibilities of automatically deriving building information from historical images. For the hackathon, you will learn what existing tools exist, how they work, and how they can be used. Strategies and solutions will also be developed, for example, to generate the number of floors on the building based on AI.

This event is supported by Dr. Ferdinand Maiwald (IPF, HistKI project) and the ScaDS.AI.


This hackathon is not only about competition, but also about cooperation. You can either bring your friends along or work with the other participants instead. That’s why you will be working in teams. Everyone is welcome at the hackathon and no pre-knowledge is required.


Besides the glory that is associated with it, the winning team will get honored in the ScaDS.AI Hackathon Hall of Fame. Of course, all participants will also receive a certificate of attendance. 

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.