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Hands-On Demonstrator Series

In the ScaDS.AI Living Lab Hands-On Demonstrator Series, we showcase the latest accomplishments, discoveries, improvements and educational tools of the ScaDS.AI team in the field of AI, Big Data and Data Science. 

The introductory talk, Q&A and hands-on session, organised by Neringa Jurenaite and Apurv Kulkarni, will provide you with a chance to familiarize yourself with the demonstrator. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss with the demonstrator creator their research directions. The vast diversity of our demonstrators facilitates exploration in fields such as robotics, natural language processing, biology, visual computing, performance analysis and many others. We welcome you all to our Living Lab for an opportunity to find out about the demonstrators which interest you the most and to participate in a vigorous brainstorming session on its real-life applications.

Living Lab Hands-On Demonstrator Series

Hands-On Demonstrations in the ScaDS.AI Living Lab in Dresden © Robert Gommlich

Demonstrations in the ScaDS.AI Living Lab at TU Dresden © Robert Gommlich

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.