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Prof. Tilmann Rabl

Big Data Stream Processing

Data analysis has become evermore scalable in recent years and many systems have been introduced that can process huge amounts of data efficiently. However, large portions of these data are most valuable if they are processed quickly after their production in an incremental fashion. To this end, scalable stream processing systems have been developed. In contrast to traditional stream processing systems, these can scale to tens or hundreds of nodes like their batch processing counter parts. In this talk, we will give an overview on big data stream processing. We will give details on the use of big data streaming systems using Apache Flink as an example and explain differences between current open source systems. Apache Flink is an open source system for expressive, declarative, fast, and efficient data analysis on both batch and streaming data. Flink combines the scalability and programming flexibility of distributed MapReduce-like platforms with the efficiency, out-of-core execution, and query optimization capabilities found in parallel databases.


Tilmann Rabl is a Visiting Professor at the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group at the Technische Universität Berlin. At DIMA he is research director and technical coordinator of the Berlin Big Data Center (BBDC). Tilmann received his PhD at the University of Passau in 2011. He spent 4 years at the University of Toronto as a postdoc in the Middleware Systems Research Group (MSRG). Tilmann has published more than 50 papers in international conferences and journals and gave numerous invited presentations. In his PhD thesis, Tilmann invented the Parallel Data Generation Framework (PDGF), for which he received the Transaction Performance Processing Council’s (TPC) Technical Contribution Award. In Toronto, he received a MITACS Award in 2013 and 2014 and an IBM CAS postdoctoral fellowship in 2013 and 2014. He is a professional affiliate of the TPC and co-founder and chair of the SPEC Research working group on big data. Tilmann is member of the steering committee of the Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (WBDB) series and member of the board of directors of the BigData Top100 List. Tilmann is also CEO and co-founder of the startup bankmark, which has been awarded with an EXIST award, the IKT Innovativ Award 2014, and the Weconomy Award 2015 among others.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.