Paul A. Johnson
Probing Earthquake Faults with AI
Ask a geophysicist whether earthquakes can be predicted, and they will answer with a resounding “no”. Determining the location, magnitude and timing of an upcoming earthquake is extremely challenging and some believe impossible. Attempts so far over the last 50+ years have failed; however, recent work applying AI methods applying geophysical data streams provides a glimmer of hope toward characterizing fault physics and forecasting earthquake timing.
Machine Learning methods require lots of training data. But data simply doesn’t exist for an entire earthquake cycle, i.e. the time where stress on a fault (such as the San Andreas fault in California) builds up over a long period of time (say, years or decades) until the stress is suddenly released in an earthquake. Geophysical data exist usually only for a portion of an earthquake cycle. This makes AI very challenging for earthquake studies, so how to proceed?
The approach that we settled on was to apply laboratory earthquake experimental (‘labquake’) data to develop AI skills that could ultimately be applied in Earth. Labquakes are miniature earthquakes generated on scaled-down faults in a laboratory located at the Pennsylvania State University and operated by Chris Marone. Simultaneously, we began conducting computer simulations of lab-scale quakes. We found that Machine Learning models that have been trained on lab quake, acoustic emission (AE) data do a surprisingly good job in predicting fault properties such as the fault friction and the fault displacement, as well as the timing of upcoming lab quakes. Remarkably, the AE contain a fingerprint of the fault behavior at all times. But these models still require much training data, far too much to be applied in Earth except under certain circumstances.
Slow-slip events (also called silent earthquakes) are different from earthquakes in that a slow-slip event releases its energy not in seconds like in an earthquake but over much longer periods of time – in hours, days or even months. Thanks to these elongated timescales, many slow earthquakes are available to train a Machine Learning model. Geophysicists have measured slow-slip events along a 1000 km stretch of the coast of North America over the last three decades. Our team was able to “hindcast” slow-slip event timing based on the data which preceded them to about within a week.
Following this work we devised a path forward for seismogenic faults—those that cause earthquakes—using the concept of transfer learning. Computer simulations of faults are relatively inexpensive to fun for many fault cycles. We found that when the data from the computer simulations are enriched with data from an actual lab experiment, predictions are very good. This concept, building computer simulations of a fault in Earth and enriching the model with a small portion of actual data from the fault is a path forward to Earth. Simultaneously, we are intending to include a model of frictional behavior in the Deep Learning approach we are developing. As we develop and apply these approaches to seismogenic faults, we will determine whether progress can be made on the challenging prediction problem in Earth.
Aaron Klein
Leipzig University
Adrian Lindenmeyer
Leipzig University
Alex Ivliev
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center For Computational Logic
Alexander Smalla
SENEC GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
Alexandrine Lanson
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Alexis Langlois-Remillard
University of Bonn
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Alina Mailach
Leipzig University
Alvaro Díaz Ruelas
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Department of Statistical Learning
Amirhossein Rostami
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Circuits and Systems
Anastasia Wolschewski
Leipzig University
Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery
Andreas Dixius
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Circuits and Systems
Andrei Politov
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Anika Hannemann
Leipzig University
Anja Neumann
Leipzig University
Anne-Marie Heine
Leipzig University
Antje Weinacht
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Apurv Deepak Kulkarni
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Aruscha Kramm
Leipzig University
Aryaman Gupta
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Bei Wang Phillips
University of Utah
Benjamin Uhrich
Leipzig University
Bernhard Stadler
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Carmen Bruckmann
Leipzig University
Caterina Barrasso
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computational Landscape Ecology
Charlotte Beylier
Leipzig University
Charly Zimmer
University of Leipzig
Chi Ziesmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the Gender Equality Commissioner and Women’s Representative
Chrakhan Barzanji
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Christina Gillmann
Leipzig University
Christoph Zechner
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
Christopher Akiki
Leipzig University
Christopher Klapproth
Leipzig University
Christopher Rost
Leipzig University
Christopher Schröder
Leipzig University
Christopher W. Johnson
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the Gender Equality Commissioner and Women´s Representative
Claudia Götz
Leipzig University
Data Privacy and Security
Claudia Silva Ruiz
Leipzig University
Clemens Mosig
Leipzig University
Daniel Hildebrandt
Leipzig University
Daniel Obraczka
Leipzig University
Daniel Spiering
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dhananjay Raghavendra Bhandiwad
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dianzhao Li
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector
Dipl.-Ing. Najdet Charaf
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Adaptive Dynamic Systems
Dominik Krenzer
Leipzig University
Dominik Sturm
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Systems Biology (CSBD)
Doris Kristina Raave
University of Leipzig
Humboldt Science Center for Child Development
Dr. Andreas Hornig
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK)
Dr. Angelos Filippatos
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Anna R. Poetsch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB)
Dr. Anton Claußnitzer
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Antonio Bikic
LMU Munich
Dr. Anushka Vidanage
The Australian National University (ANU), Australia
Software Innovation Institute, School of Computing
Dr. Arthur Fleig
Leipzig University
Dr. Bernd Grüber
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK)
Dr. Betty Mayeku
Kibabii University
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Callum Murphy-Barltrop
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Applied Stochastics
Dr. Carsen Stringer
Janelia Research Campus, HHMI, USA
Dr. Carsten Marr
Helmholtz Munich
Dr. Christian Martin
Leipzig University
Dr. Christofer Meinecke
Leipzig University
Dr. Christoph Augenstein
Leipzig University
Dr. Christoph Lehmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Cyrille Merleau Nono Saha
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Dr. Daniel Schneider
Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery ICCAS
Dr. Dmitrij Schlesinger
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Dörthe Arndt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computational Logic
Dr. Eric Peukert
Leipzig University
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Érika Berenice Roldán Roa
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Dr. Eugene Myers
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
Dr. Francesco Kriegel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Dr. Frank Loebe
Leipzig University
Dr. Georg Künze
Leipzig University
Institute for Drug Discovery
Dr. Gerrit Grossmann
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Hermann Diebel-Fischer
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Systematic Theology
Dr. Holger Brunst
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
Dr. Iryna Okhrin
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Jan Ewald
Leipzig University
Dr. Jan-Philipp Kruse
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Jelena Mitrović
University of Passau
Dr. João Belo
Saarland University
Dr. Josefine Umlauft
Leipzig University
Dr. Julia Möller-Klapperich
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Civil Law, Intellectual Property, Media and Data Protection Law
Dr. Jutta Luise Eckhardt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the Gender Equality Commissioner and Women’s Representative
Dr. Kossi Amouzouvi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Lester Kalms
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Computer Engineering
Dr. Luisa Herrmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center for Computational Logic (ICCL)
Dr. Maik Thiele
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Mariam Hassib
fortiss Research Institute of the free state of Bavaria
Dr. Markus Ulbricht
Leipzig University
Dr. Markus Wolfien
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry
Dr. Martin Diller
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center For Computational Logic
Dr. Martin Hentschel
Dr. Martin Lepper
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
Dr. Martin Treiber
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Transport and Economics
Dr. Martin Weigert
EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Marzieh Eidi
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Dr. Maximilian Pensel
Alexander Thamm GmbH
Dr. Mete Akgün
University of Tübingen
Medical Data Privacy and Privacy-preserving Machine Learning (MDPPML)
Dr. Michael Bussmann
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Founding Manager of the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding
Dr. Mike Berger
Leipzig University
Dr. Natalia García-Colín
ULB Computer Science, Scientific Collaborator
Dr. Navid Shekarchizadeh
Leipzig University & Department of Medical Data Science, Leipzig University Hospital
Dr. Olga Zolotareva
Universität Hamburg
Computational Systems Biology
Dr. Oliver Fernández Gil
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Osman Berat Okutan
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Dr. Parvaneh Joharinad
Leipzig University & Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Dr. Patrick Ebel
Leipzig University
Dr. Paul Bodesheim
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
School of Informatics and Mathematics
Dr. Peter Winkler
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. René Jäkel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. rer. medic. Nico Scherf
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Neural Data Science and Statistical Computing
Dr. rer. nat. Kristin Reiche
Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology
Dr. Richard Miru George
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Circuits and Systems
Dr. Robert Haase
Leipzig University
Dr. Rufat Rzayev
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Interactive Media Lab Dresden (IML)
Dr. Sahar Vahdati
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Sandra Hummel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Sebastian Lehmann
Appsfactory GmbH, Leipzig
Dr. Sergei Obiedkov
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center for Computational Logic (ICCL)
Dr. Siavash Ghiasvand
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Stanislav Mazurenko
Masaryk University and FNUSA-ICRC
Dr. Stefan Ellmauthaler
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center for Computational Logic (ICCL)
Dr. Stefan Hoehme
Leipzig University
Dr. Stefan Lüdtke
Leipzig University
Dr. Stephan Mennicke
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair for Knowledge-Based Systems
Dr. Stephanie Feilitzsch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the Gender Equality Commissioner and Women’s Representative
Dr. Sunna Torge
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho
Leipzig University & Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Dr. Tanja Katharina Kaiser
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dr. Taras Lazariv
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr. Teja Kattenborn
Leipzig University
Remote Sensing Center for Earth System Research
Dr. Thomas Burghardt
Leipzig University
Dr. Thomas Fischer
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Dr. Uwe Konrad
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Dr. Verena Maleska
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
Dr. Willi Schimmel
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research TROPOS
Dr. Xiangzun Wang
Leipzig University
Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Hellmann
Leipzig University
Dušan Praščević
Leipzig University
Elham Gholamzadeh
University of Leipzig
Elias Werner
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Enrico Lohmann
Institut für Angewandte Informatik e. V.
Eric Roldan Roa
Leipzig University
Erik Daniel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Privacy and Security
Erik Marx
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Didactics of Computer Science
Eya Cherif
Leipzig University
Fabian Liessmann
Leipzig University
Fatemeh Fahimi Sheyjani
Leipzig University & Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Felix Sachse
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Mathematical Stochastics
Ferney Beltran Velandia
Leipzig University
Ferras Mahmoud El-Hendi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Filippo De Bortoli
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Florens Rohde
Leipzig University
Florian Große
Leipzig University & Fraunhofer IZI
Florian Jug
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
Florian Köhler
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Mathematical Stochastics
Francesco Martinuzzi
Leipzig University
Franz Lehr
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Law, Intellectual Property and Technology Law
Franziska Kahlert
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Gina Valentin
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Gitanjali Wadhwa
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Giulia Bahms
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Political Systems and Comparative Politics
Hannah Marie Eichholz
Leipzig University
Hannah Selder
Leipzig University
Hannan Mahadik
Leipzig University
Institute of Computer Science
Haritz Puerto
Technical University of Darmstadt
Hector Andres González Diaz
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics
Holger Heidrich
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Artifical Intelligence
Holger Heidrich
TU Dresden
Hyeon Kim
Leipzig University, ICCAS Leipzig
Ilya Burenko
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Jack Woollam
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Jacob Pollack
Leipzig University
Jakob Riccabona
Leipzig University
Jan Frenzel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Jana Bendigs
Leipzig University
Jannes Münchmeyer
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Jannis de Riz
Leipzig University
Jeffrey Phillips
University of Utah
Kahlert School of Computing
Jeremias Schebera
Leipzig University
Jessenia Margareth Marina Gonzalez Villarreal
Leipzig University
Jin Zhang
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Jing Zou
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Transport and Economics
Jingyue Zhuge
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics
João Paulo Cardoso de Lima
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center For Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed)
Johanna Möller
Leipzig University
Johanna Zitt
Leipzig University
Johannes Häfner
Leipzig University
Johannes Kreis
Leipzig University
Johannes Vogel
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig University
Johannes Weil
Leipzig University
Jonas Karge
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Artifical Intelligence
Jonathan Wider
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig University
Joshua Roldan
Leipzig University
Department of Statistical Learning
Julia Friske
Leipzig University
Julia Peters
Leipzig University
Julian Striegl
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Juliana Hildebrandt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Juliane Mai
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Computational Hydrosystems
Juliane Moldt
Leipzig University
Jun.-Prof. Clara T. Schoeder
Leipzig University
Jun.-Prof. Julia Westermayr
Leipzig University
Kaja Schwerin
Leipzig University
Kajal Singla
Leipzig University
Neural Data Science and Statistical Computing
Karsten Rink
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Environmental Informatics
Katja Kirsche
Leipzig University
Department of Statistical Learning
Katja Lisa Linnemann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC)
Katja Weichelt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Kelsang Mende
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Khaleelulla Khan Nazeer
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Circuits and Systems
Klaudia-Doris Thellmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Konstantin Dietrich
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Big Data Analytics in Transportation (TT)
Kristina Krummer-Meier
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Kristina Müller
University of Leipzig
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics, and Epidemiology (IMISE)
Larry Javier González González
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center for Computational Logic (ICCL)
Lars Schuch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Lars Schütze
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for advancing electronics Dresden
Lennart Schäpermeier
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Big Data Analytics in Transportation (TT)
Lennart Woidke
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Leonie Weissweiler
LMU Munich
Center for Information and Language Processing
Lily-belle Sweet
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Liyuan Guo
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics
Lokamani Lokamani
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Lucas Peter
Leipzig University
Lucas Woltmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Lucy Sonnet
Leipzig University
Lukas Gienapp
Leipzig University
M. Asif Hasan
Leipzig University
Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics
Madlen Bartholmeß
Leipzig University
Maja Schneider
Leipzig University
Mana-Teresa Donner
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Manish Bhandari
Xitaso GmbH
Manuel Alejandro Estévez de la Mora
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Marc Satkowski
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Marco Gustav
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Marcos E. González Laffitte
Leipzig University
Marie Kukuczka
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the Gender Equality Commissioner and Women’s Representative
Marie Steinacker
Leipzig University
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)
Marie-Sophie von Braun
Leipzig University
Mariia Tkachenko
Leipzig University
Markus Bauer
Leipzig University
Marlene Mertens
Leipzig University
Martin Franke
Leipzig University
Martin Grimmer
Leipzig University
Martin Kutz
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Religious Education
Martin Lorenz
Leipzig University
Martin Pippel
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Martin Rabel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Martin Waltz
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Transport and Economics
Marvin Hofer
Leipzig University
Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Transport and Economics
Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Matthias Täschner
Leipzig University
Matti Berthold
Leipzig University
Max Joas
Leipzig University
Max Staats
Leipzig University
Maximilian Ferle
Leipzig University & ICCAS Leipzig
Maximilian Marx
TUD Dresden University of Technology
International Center For Computational Logic
Maximilian Salomon
Leipzig University
Mia Müssig
Leipzig University
Department of Statistical Learning
Michal Miazga
Leipzig University
Mikhail Galkin
Fraunhofer IAIS
Miriam Louise Carnot
Leipzig University
Mohammad Bakhtiari
University of Hamburg
Institute for Computational Bioinformatics, Systems Biology
Monicque Voigt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Moritz Ertelt
Leipzig University
Moritz Müller
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Neringa Jurenaite
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Niclas Rosteck
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Nicolas Handke
Leipzig University
Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
Nicole Heinimann
Leipzig University
Nicole Spiess
Leipzig University
Niklas Deckers
Leipzig University
Niklas Paulig
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Transport and Economics
Norman Koch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Oana Popescu
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Oliver Welz
Leipzig University
Özhan Kayacan
Leipzig University
Parisa Aghdam
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Scalable Software Architectures for Data Analytics
Paul A. Johnson
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul Eisenhuth
Leipzig University
PD Dr.-Ing. Anni-Yasmin Turhan
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Theoretical Computer Science
Philipp Buchallik
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Phillip Schake
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC)
Preetam Gattogi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Prof. Alena Khmelinskaia
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Prof. Andrea Agazzi
University of Pisa
Prof. Christian Bizer
University of Mannheim
School of Informatics and Mathematics
Prof. Daniel Buschek
University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Franz Baader
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Akash Kumar
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Processor Design
Prof. Dr. Anita Behme
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Applied Stochastics
Prof. Dr. Anna Cord
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computational Landscape Ecology
Prof. Dr. Anne Lauber-Rönsberg
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Civil Law, Intellectual Property, Media and Data Protection Law
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rosenow
Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Birte Platow
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Religious Education
Prof. Dr. Bjoern Andres
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Franczyk
Leipzig University
Chair of Business Informatics
Prof. Dr. Carsten Lutz
Leipzig University
Chair of Knowledge Representation
Prof. Dr. Cesar A. Ramirez-Sarmiento
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Christian Doeller
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarke
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Systematic Theology
Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm
Leipzig University
Department of Computer Science, Database Group, Chair of Databases
Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
Leipzig University
Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, Chair of Molecular Nanophotonics
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Brewka
Leipzig University
Chair of Intelligent Systems
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heyer
Leipzig University
Chair of Automatic Language Processing
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weber
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Human-Computer Interaction
Prof. Dr. Gerik Scheuermann
Leipzig University
Chair of Image and Signal Processing
Prof. Dr. Hannes Feilhauer
Leipzig University
Chair of Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych
Technical University of Darmstadt
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab
Prof. Dr. Ivo F. Sbalzarini
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Scientific Computing for Systems Biology
Prof. Dr. Jakob Runge
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Jakob Zscheischler
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Computational Hydrosystems
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology, Amazon
Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler
Leipzig University
Institute for Drug Design
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schanze
Leibnitz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
Chair of Environmental Development and Risk Management
Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
Leipzig University
Chair of Theoretical Meterology
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jost
Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences
Geometry and Complex Systems
Prof. Dr. Marianne Kneuer
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Political Systems and Comparative Politics
Prof. Dr. Markus Krötzsch
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Knowledge-Based Systems
Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz
Leipzig University
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology
Prof. Dr. Martin Bogdan
Leipzig University
Chair of Neuromorphic Information Processing
Prof. Dr. Martin Keller-Ressel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Stochastic Analysis and Financial Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Martin Middendorf
Leipzig University
Chair of Swarm Intelligence and Complex Systems
Prof. Dr. Martin Potthast
Kassel University
Chair of Deep Semantic Learning
Prof. Dr. Martin Sedlmayr
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Medical Informatics
Prof. Dr. Martin Weigert
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Machine Learning for Spatial Understanding
Prof. Dr. med. Jakob Nikolas Kather
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Michael Schroeder
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Miguel D. Mahecha
Leipzig University
Chair of Environmental Data Science and Remote Sensing
Prof. Dr. Nadine Bergner
RWTH Aachen
Chair of Didactics of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Weiskopf
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Prof. Dr. Olaf Kolditz
TUD Dresden University of Technology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Chair of Applied Environmental Systems Analysis
Prof. Dr. Ostap Okhrin
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector
Prof. Dr. Pascal Kerschke
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Big Data Analytics in Transportation
Prof. Dr. Peter Stadler
Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Peter Uhrig
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Chair of Digital Linguistics with a Focus on Big Data
Prof. Dr. Peter W. Hildebrand
Leipzig University
Chair of Biophysical Computer Simulations
Prof. Dr. Philipp Hennig
Tübingen AI Center
Prof. Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff
University of Osnabrück
Institute of Cognitive Science
Prof. Dr. Ringo Baumann
Leipzig University
Chair of Formal Argumentation and Formal Logic
Prof. Dr. Sabine Müller-Mall
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Legal and Constitutional Studies with interdisciplinary Relations
Prof. Dr. Sabine Roller
TUD Dresden University of Technology, German Aerospace Center
Chair of Software Engineering for Product Virtualization
Prof. Dr. Sayan Mukherjee
Leipzig University, Duke University
Department of Statistical Learning
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computational Logic
Prof. Dr. Simon Razniewski
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Knowledge-Aware Artifical Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gumhold
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schiedermair
Leipzig University
Chair of European Law, International Law and Public Law
Prof. Dr. Susanne Beck
LL.M. (LSE), Leibniz University Hannover
Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Educational Technology
Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth
HTWK Leipzig
Chair of Information Systems in Medical Technology
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Köhl
Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn
Adesso SE
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS), Chair of Computer Architecture
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Mayr
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Diana Göhringer
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Adaptive Dynamic Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Buchmann
Leipzig University
Chair of Data Privacy and Security
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeronimo Castrillon
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Compiler Construction
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maik Gude
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and Multi Material Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Färber
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Scalable Software Architectures for Data Analytics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Siegmund
Leipzig University
Chair of Software Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Multimedia Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Toralf Kirsten
Leipzig University, Leipzig University Medical Center
Chair of Medical Data Science
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lehner
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Esfandiar Mohammadi
University of Lübeck
Institute for IT Security
Prof. Florian Praetorius
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Prof. Guido Montúfar
UCLA – University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Mathematics and Department of Statistics & Data Science
Prof. Ian Horrocks
FRS, Oriel Colledge, University of Oxford
Prof. Ihab Francis Ilyas
University of Waterloo
Cheriton School of Computer Science
Prof. Ingo Steinwart
University of Stuttgart
Prof. Isabel Wagner
De Montfort University
School of Computer Science and Informatics
Prof. Jonathan Bedford
Ruhr University Bochum
Prof. Manja Marz
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Prof. Oliver Koch
University of Münster
Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
Prof. Pavlo Bazilinskyy
Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. Paweł Dłotko
The Polish Academy of Sciences
Prof. Peter Christen
The Australian National University (ANU), Australia
School of Computing, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS)
Prof. Søren Hauberg
Technical University of Denmark
Quentin Manière
Leipzig University
Rebecca Herman
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Ricardo Langner
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Roua Rouatbi
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Systems Biology Dresden
Salim Soltani
Leipzig University
Samyajoy Pal
Institut für Angewandte Informatik
Sarah Naomi Bolz
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC)
Sarah Rockstroh
University of Leipzig
Sebastian Bischoff
Leipzig University
Sebastian Rottmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Applied Computer Science
Sebastian Vogt
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Shahbaz Syed
Leipzig University
Shengxian Zhao
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Shivom Gupta
Leipzig University
Department of Statistical Learning
Shuzhou Yuan
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Scalable Software Architectures for Data Analytics
Siddharth Gupta
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for advancing electronics Dresden
Silvia Oviedo
Leipzig University
Sofia Helena Faltenbacher
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Sophie Teichmann
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Syed Hur Abbas
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Tabita Schubert
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Applied Computer Science
Tania Krisanty
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
Thomas Bruderrek
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Tobias Jagla
Leipzig University
Tobias Pietzsch
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Tobias Schreieder
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Scalable Software Architectures for Data Analytics
Transfer and Service Center
Tuyen Truong
Leipzig University
Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics
Veronika Donath
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Victor Jüttner
Leipzig University
Vincent David Friedrich
Leipzig University
Vincent Freiberger
Leipzig University
Waldemar Hahn
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry
Wolfgang Kircheis
Leipzig University
Yamen Ajjour
Leipzig University
Yexin Yan
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics
Yixin Huang
Leipzig University
Yuhao Liu
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Center For Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed)
Zeyu Cheng
Leipzig University
Zhipeng Deng
Leipzig University
Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics
Paul Johnson is a staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. His interests are in the physics of faulting and fracturing, the elastic and nonlinear elastic and plastic properties of materials and application of Machine Learning methods to geophysical problems. Johnson has published over 220 peer-reviewed papers, co-authored 9 book chapters, and co-authored a book (with R. A. Guyer) on the nonlinear elastic properties of Earth materials. Johnson also holds over 20 patents. Johnson is a Fellow of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the American Geophysical Union, the Acoustical Society of America and the American Physical Society.
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