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Jupyter, NumPy and Pandas

Title: Jupyter, NumPy and Pandas
Next Session: will be announced soon
Target Group: Anyone working with data and an interest in processing data with Python.
Number of participants: 15
Language: German
Format: Tutorial, hybrid

A large part of the challenges that scientists from different domains work on require some kind of data processing. The computer programs used for this are often complex and rigid in their use. The Python programming language with its packages Jupyter, NumPy and Pandas offer an alternative for flexible and thus application-specific processing of data, with relatively little effort compared to the results. For people who only program occasionally, Python is a good choice because the code is easy to read, and the internet is full of examples. Once respective Notebooks (Python applications) have been created, they can easily be adapted to new data.


  • Motivation and basics of data processing
  • Using Jupyter Notebook for data analysis
  • Using NumPy for efficient data analysis
  • Interactive data processing with Pandas
  • Summary and feedback


  • Basic knowledge of Python in version 3.x
  • Laptop with internet access – equipment can be provided on site if required (please enquire as numbers are limited).

Learning Outcomes

After the training, participants will have a better understanding of the Python packages Jupyter, NumPy and Pandas and can make use of them in data processing.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.