Hyperparameter Optimization

On 09.09.2021 at 11:00 a.m., the third lecture of the Living Lab lecture series took place. Dr. Peter Winkler and Norman Koch talked about Hyperparameter Optimization

Hyperparameter Optimization

Finding hyperparameters for neural networks is a time-consuming and tedious task. With our service OmniOpt, we offer a simple way of finding good hyperparameter sets for neural networks and simulations, which only needs minimal changes to your program itself. The optimization runs can be set up via an intuitive web interface and runs smoothly on the HPC Cluster Taurus of TU Dresden. Moreover, automatical evaluation and graphical representation of the results is included.

You can rewatch this lecture on YouTube.

You would like to find out more about this topic? On our website you can find a short introduction to hyperparameter optimization. For it, we are using the software OmniOpt, which was developed by our team members Dr. Peter Winkler and Norman Koch. In case you have any further questions, please contact them directly.

Living Lab Lecture Series

The Living Lab Lecture Series gives you an in-depth insight into the many research topics of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. From Natural Language Processing to Ethics and Moral Code in AI, a great variety of topics are discussed. You can join our lectures every first thursday of the month or watch them on YouTube afterwards. If you have ideas for topics to discuss in the future, please let our Living Lab team know. We suggest for you to regularly check our event calendar, to never miss out on upcoming lectures or other interesting events organized by or in cooperation with our center.


You can reach the permanent room for all lectures here: https://tud.link/i8zf

The room will be accessible 5 minutes before the start of the lecture.

The participation is free for everyone.

No! Not at all. One of our goals in the Living Lab lecture series is to familiarize everyone with these topics.

You just need an up-to-date browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Chromium. We would also recommend using headphones for better audio quality.

Not unless you would like to! In general, there is no need to have a camera or microphone to participate in the lecture.

Alongside joining the discussion with your camera and microphone, there is also the possibility to submit your question and comments as a written comment in the Chat section.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.