29. August 2016
Do you remember the ScaDS summer school 2016 in Leipzig? Seven weeks ago we heard a lot of interesting talks about the Big Data topic and took part in hands-on sessions with new frameworks. But most importantly, we had a lot of fun with all attendees… Part of our program included sightseeing, eating traditional german food and – of course – our fantastic trip with canoes and dragonboats on the waters of Leipzig. To refresh your memories, ScaDS.AI scientific researcher Jörn Hoffmann of Leipzig University created a great video of our trip. We hope you enjoy reminiscing on those wonderful memories just as much as we do.
Thank you for having a great time with us at the ScaDS Summer School 2016. Furthermore, we would like to thank our researcher Jörn for the lovely video! We hope to meet you again- maybe at the next ScaDS summer school or for joint research projects? Read more on our Summer Schools here to not miss out on future activities. If you have ideas for interesting topics, let our team members know about them. Our summer schools offer a great opportunity not just for networking, but also to further deepen our and your knowledge on interesting Big Data topics!