7. February 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023 with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig in Riesa

Safer Internet Day 2023 with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig in Riesa

On 07.02.2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig participated in Safer Internet Day 2023. This year, students at Am Merzdorfer Park secondary school in Riesa had the opportunity to learn from our scientists about the potential impact of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on user privacy. Our team teached them both how to identify and prevent such negative effects. The students were between 13 and 14 years of age.

Our lecture for Safer Internet Day 2023 was designed to explain the concepts of Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning to students in an easy to understand way. Slides, games, demonstrations, movement and drawings were used to ensure maximum engagement and understanding from the audience regardless of differences in language skills and educational backgrounds. The response from the students was overwhelming, with lively discussions and a genuine interest in AI. We look forward to repeating this success at several upcoming events such as Girl’s Day 2023. Of course, we will happily participate in next year’s Safer Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day has grown to be celebrated in some 180 countries and territories around the world. The day focuses on raising public awareness of emerging online issues, current concerns and potential risks, ranging from cyberbullying to social networking and digital identity. By informing and educating, Safer Internet Day encourages users to use the internet responsibly and safely. More information can be found of the website of Landespräventionsrat Sachsen (LPR).

ScaDS.AI would be happy to offer similar courses to school classes. Please contact us for further information.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.