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8. January 2016

ScaDS PhD Seminar 2016 and Principal Investiator Meeting

ScaDS PhD Seminar 2016 and Principal Investiator Meeting

From the 07.-08.01.2016, the first ScaDS-PhD-seminar 2016 took place in Machern, nearby Leipzig. Within the seminar, PhD candidates from or associated with ScaDS got the opportunity to present their research topic and current state of work. The students got feedback from other PhD students as well as from advising Professors and Post-Docs. In the afternoon of the first day, a meeting of the Principal Investigators of ScaDS is taking place. 

Program of the ScaDS PhD Seminar 2016

All PhD candidates held interesting presentations on their work. The location, a nice room within a cosy old castle in Machern, was perfect for the event. Outside of the building, we had strong winter temperature, blue sky and sun. Therefore, the walk through the Schlosspark Machern that all participants took on the first day, was a very nice addition to our program. At the end of the ScaDS PhD Seminar 2016, which was the first of its kind for our center, the best speaker of the event was voted. All participants had three votes to select their favorites. We congratulate Nico Hoffmann from Dresden for winning the ScaDS Best-Speaker-Award 2016. With the award, Nico Hoffmann was gifted a book of his own choice.

We would like to thank all PhD students, post-docs, professors and principal investigators for this wonderful experience. It’s safe to say that all attendees had an overall great time with lasting memories for the future.

Day 1

10:00-11:00Joachim StaibCompact Visualization of Time-Dependent Data
11:00-12:00Lars-Peter MeyerServices for Big Data
13:00-14:30Walk in parc Machern
14:30-15:15Ziad SehiliPrivacy Preserving Record Linkage
15:15-16:00Steffen DienstEfficient Condition Monitoring of Renewable Energy Power Plants
16:15-17:00Fabian ExternbrinkGolden Genome
17:00-19:00PI Meeting
From 19:00Dinner

Day 2

09:00-10:00Joseph SchuchartWho am I? ScaDS PhD Retreat
10:00-11:00Jan FrenzelMeasuring Big Data Frameworks
11:00-12:00Nico HoffmannIntraoperative Thermal Neuroimaging
13:00-14:00Jochen TiepmarCanonical Text Service – Text Mining
14:00-15:00Norman SpangenbergDecision Support in Dynamic Business Processes – Design and Implementation of a Prototype
15:00-16:00Workshop – Interactive
From 16:00AOB


Schloß Machern
Schlossplatz 1
04827 Machern

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.