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Summer School 2023

From 03.07 – 07.07.2023, our  9th International Summer School on AI and Big Data took place in Dresden. The event was aimed at graduate students, Ph.D. students, researchers as well as practitioners starting or being active in the areas of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and/or Big Data. Within the program, we offered inspiring insights into various research areas by internationally recognized and well known speakers. 

Photo. Participants of the Summer School 2023 on a hike.

Date and Location

The 9th International Summer School on AI and Big Data took place from 03.07 – 07.07.2023 in Dresden at:

Dorint Hotel Dresden
Grunaer Str. 14
01069 Dresden

Map by Openstreetmap: Dorint Hotel Dresden
Data from OpenStreetMap – Published under ODbL


This year, we have invited national and international experts to Dresden to give you in-depth insights into the latest research developments, especially around the leading topic how to cope with large AI models. Here both is needed, large-scale and high quality training data and the capability to train large AI models on them. Therefore, amongst other contributions, the summer school will focus this year on large AI models, in particular for Natural Language Processing, the acquisition and management of community data as well as the handling of both on required computing architectures.

- Natural Language Processing
- Large AI Models
- Computing Architectures for AI

The quality and availability of NLP models has been tremendously increased in the past months, both by using large amounts of data and large computing infrastructures. Therefore experts working in this field will cover the latest developments and extend possibilities around NLP to further application scenarios besides the chat approach. We will extend this topic into community data preparation for AI and the strategies to process data and models for relevant applications. The keynotes will be given by international experts from their fields, among others including:

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm, DFKI
  • Prof. Dr. Ryszard Kowalczyk, University of South Australia
  • Richard Socher,
  • Prof. Dr. Immanuel Trummer, Cornell University

as well as many other experts from our competence center and other research institutions.


  • Standard price: 420 euros
  • Special Offer Leipzig University members: 320 euros
  • Special Offer TU Dresden members: 320 Euro (280 euros will appear on the bill, the associated tax portion is offset internally by TUD regulation)

The standard ticket for Summer School 2023 includes the day’s catering and the social program. Travel costs and accommodation are covered by the participants themselves. Please note, that the participation fees for employees of TU Dresden will be charged via internal cost allocation. For non-affiliates of TU Dresden, the payment is made by invoice.


The 9th International Summer School on AI and Big Data will provide opportunities to exchange ideas and to discuss the topics with other participants and speakers. Within our program, we will offer plenty of time to get in contact with the speakers and allow you to ask questions. This way, participants will be able to get to connect and partner with other international practitioners and researchers.

Monday, 03.07.2023

TimeSpeakerInstitutionTitle of presentation
13:00-13:30Registration + Opening
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. NagelScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigWelcome + Introduction
14:45-15:15Coffee break
15:15-16:45Dr. Peter UhrigScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigBig Data and AI for Multimodal Communication Research
16:45-18:30Get Together + Poster Session

Tuesday, 04.07.2023

TimeSpeakerInstitutionTitle of presentation
08:00-09:00Richard Socheryou.comFire Talk: AI and Start Up Scene
09:00-10:30Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm and Dr. Pedro Ortiz SuarezDFKI, GermanyDeveloping Multilingual, Open and European Large Language Models
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Prof. Dr. Ryszard KowalczykUniversity of South Australia, AustraliaDistributed AI and Multi-agent Systems for Space Systems Autonomy
14:00-15:00Dr. Sunna TorgeScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigNLP for Minor Languages Support
15:00-15:45Coffee break
15:45-17:15Prof. Dr. Diana GöhringerScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigArchitectures and systems for AI inference

Wednesday, 05.07.2023

TimeSpeakerInstitutionTitle of presentation
09:00-10:30Prof. Dr. Immanuel TrummerCornell UniversityNext-Generation Data Management via Large Language Models
11:00-12:00Dr. Betty CalpasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)Machine Learning in Aviation – from Traceable Machine Learning to Flows Around Airfoils
13:30-14:30Dr. Lucas FoppaFritz Haber Institute, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, GermanyThe “Genes” of Materials Properties and Functions Identified by Symbolic Regression

More Information
Social Event: Hike through Dresdner Heide followed by a dinner at Louisenhof

Bergbahnstraße 8
01324 Dresden
Google Maps

Thursday, 06.07.2023

TimeSpeakerInstitutionTitle of presentation
09:00-10:30Uwe GäblerInfineonFrom Cloud to Edge: Applications of AI from the Perspective of a Chipmaker
11:00-12:30Torsten EnßlinMPI GarchingenInformation field theory: concepts, astronomical applications, & relation to AI
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-15:00Dr. Gunar ErnisFraunhofer IAISBayesian Statistics and Machine Learning
15:30-16:30Dorina WeichertFraunhofer IAISIntroduction to Gaussian Processes
16:30-17:30Dr. Gunar Ernis and Dorina WeichertFraunhofer IAISExperimental Design using Active Learning and Bayesian Optimization

Friday, 07.07.2023

TimeSpeakerInstitutionTitle of presentation
09:00-10:30Dr. Sahar VahdatiInfAIFundamentals of Representation Learning
11:00-12:30Dr. Danh Le PhuocBIFOLD, GermanyKnowledge in Perception Systems
12:30-14:00Lunch Break


A limited number of rooms are available for our participants at the conference hotel Dorint at a special price of 89 EUR incl. breakfast. These can be called up and thus reserved directly at the hotel under the keyword “Summer School” up to 4 weeks before the start of the conference (i.e. by 05.06.2023 at the latest). These can be cancelled after reservation up to 3 days in advance. A later cancellation would then no longer be possible.

Furthermore, it is pointed out that from July 2023 there is no longer an exemption from the accommodation tax in Dresden. Thus, 6% of the accommodation price will be charged at each hotel.

We recommend booking as soon as possible.


The summer school is organized by ScaDS.AI (Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence) Dresden/Leipzig, one of five new AI centers in Germany funded under the federal government’s AI strategy.

Dr. René Jäkel 
Administration Director, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, TU Dresden
Dr. Eric Peukert 
Administration Director, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel 
Director, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm
Director, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, Leipzig University


Gina Valentin
Communication Management, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, TU Dresden
Katja Weichelt
Controlling, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, TU Dresden

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.