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25. October 2022

2nd ScaDS.AI Living Lab Workshop in Dresden

Living Lab

On October 25th 2022, we organized the 2nd internal Living Lab workshop for our team members. This event was a follow-up to the first successful Living Lab workshop held in March at our location in Leipzig. This time, the colleagues from Dresden took over the preparation and execution.

Goals of the Living Lab Workshop

In the workshop, we evaluated which of our goals from the first workshop we have already achieved and what tasks we still need to work on in the future. We had productive discussions on how to improve our work, while keeping in mind our target groups. We also brainstormed on how to optimize internal processes, our events and advertisement, as well as your personal visitor experience in the Living Lab. Furthermore, this Living Lab Workshop was a great opportunity to personally get to know new team members from both locations: TU Dresden and University of Leipzig.

Achievements since March 2022

Colleagues at the Living Lab Workshop

What the future holds

In the 2nd Living Lab Workshop, we discussed many ideas to improve our work. We want to shape the ScaDS.AI Living Lab into a place of knowledge and education for the general public, the industry and the scientific community. With that, we will establish different event formats and create more demonstrators to introduce the world to our research at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. We can’t wait to show you what is to come next!

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.