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Immersive Analysis of Trajectories Utilizing the Unreal Engine

On 1-June-2023 at 11:00 a.m. the 22nd lecture of the Living Lab lecture series took place. In this talk, ScaDS.AI scientific researcher Franziska Kahlert talked about Immersive Analysis of Trajectories Utilizing the Unreal Engine

Immersive Analysis of Trajectories Utilizing the Unreal Engine

In her lecture, Franziska Kahlert highlights the potential of using game engines to create scientific visualizations. Specifically, she focuses on the goals and challenges of creating immersive visualizations using virtual reality technology, using the example of trajectory analysis. Kahlert argues that virtual reality environments offer unique opportunities for scientists to explore and analyze complex data sets in new ways, but also pose significant technical and design challenges. 

To address these challenges, Kahlert suggests that scientists consider using the Unreal game engine, which is freely available and offers a range of tools and features for prototyping and developing immersive visualizations. By leveraging the power of game engines, scientists can create more engaging and interactive visualizations that allow them to better understand and communicate complex scientific concepts. Overall, Kahlert’s lecture highlights the importance of exploring new technologies and tools for scientific visualization, and offers practical advice for scientists looking to incorporate immersive visualizations into their research.

Living Lab Lecture Series

The Living Lab Lecture Series gives you an in-depth insight into the many research topics of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. From Natural Language Processing to Ethics and Moral Code in AI, a great variety of topics are discussed. You can join our lectures every first thursday of the month or watch them on YouTube afterwards. If you have ideas for topics to discuss in the future, please let our Living Lab team know. We suggest for you to regularly check our event calendar, to never miss out on upcoming lectures or other interesting events organized by or in cooperation with our center.


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The participation is free for everyone.

No! Not at all. One of our goals in the Living Lab lecture series is to familiarize everyone with these topics.

You just need an up-to-date browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Chromium. We would also recommend using headphones for better audio quality.

Not unless you would like to! In general, there is no need to have a camera or microphone to participate in the lecture.

Alongside joining the discussion with your camera and microphone, there is also the possibility to submit your question and comments as a written comment in the Chat section.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.