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Autumn School 2015

The Big Data Competence Center ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig organized the 1st Autumn School on Big Data between September 21-25, 2015. The offer of the autumn school was primarily aimed at students and young graduates as well as scientific employees who are active in research in the broad field around Big Data. Our Fall School taught the basics of dealing with large and complex data sets while also providing an overview of current solution approaches. Thus, the participants got a direct insight into current research fields. In addition, there was an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and discussion of content between the participants and the lecturers.

The Autumn School was held at the AZIMUT Hotel in Dresden.

Program & Highlights of the Autumn School 2015

The program was jointly organized by invited experts, by members of the ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig Competence Center, and by colleagues from the Berlin Big Data Center (BBDC).

It included diverse topics from current research areas, such as from the field of Big Data analysis, Machine Learning and knowledge extraction, data life cycle management and workflow organization. The program was rounded off by exciting insights into highly topical application areas, such as life sciences or digital humanities.

Machine Learning

  • ML 1: Ralf Herbrich (Amazon Research): Large-Scale Applications of Graphical Models
  • ML 2: Prof. Carsten Rother (TUD): Deep Structured Learning in Computer Vision
  • ML 3: Jochen Tiepmar, Prof. Heyer (UL): Data Mining for Digital Humanities
  • ML 4: Sven Dähne (TU Berlin) Multimodal Neuroimaging

Big Data Technology Overview

  • T1: Dr. Eric Peukert (UL) Basics of Hadoop using the example of efficient duplicate detection
  • T2: Patrick Riemann/Prof. Matthias Hagen (Uni Weimar): Hot Topics in Information Visualization
  • T3: Sebastian Schelter (TU Berlin) An overview of Big Data Processing Systems and Apache Flink.


  • IS 1: Bernd Schuller (FZ Jülich): Data management and data processing using UNICORE
  • IS 2: Prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel (TUD): HPC and Data Intensive Computing

Big Data Applications

  • A1: Prof. Karol Kozak (Fraunhofer IWS): Big Data challenges in handling medical data
  • A2: Prof. Jochen Fröhlich (TUD): Challenges in fluid mechanics applications
  • A3: Sunna Torge (Fraunhofer IVI): Big Data and traffic
  • A4: Johannes Kirschnick (TU Berlin) Scalable Machine Learning.


  • Flink Hand-On Session
09:00ArrivalMachine Learning (ML1)Machine Learning (ML2)Big Data Technology (T3)Big Data Infrastructures (IS2)
11:00Machine Learning (ML3)Machine Learning (ML4)Big Data Applications
Big Data Applications
14:00Course IntroductionBig Data Applications
Social EventBig Data Infrastructures (IS1)Departure
15:30Big Data Technology (T1)Big Data Technology (T2)Flink Hands-On
17:00Open DiscussionOpen Discussion


The autumn school was organized by ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig in cooperation with Berlin Big Data Center (BBDC).

Dr. René Jaekel
ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig, TU Dresden

Have a look at other Summer Schools!

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.