
Relaunch of our AI-in-Business Meetup format! The ScaDS.AI Living Lab and the AI-Manufacture cordially invite you to our after-work event. With an international research team and interdisciplinary projects in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science, we open the doors of our center. We aim to provide a dynamic exchange platform for local and regional stakeholders and offer fascinating insights into our cutting-edge research. Companies, researchers, and technology enthusiasts are invited to exchange ideas, network and share their AI success stories in a relaxed atmosphere. Take the opportunity to discover new perspectives, have inspiring conversations and explore potential collaborations. Join us for exciting presentations, interactive demos and the chance to become part of a growing community that is actively shaping the future of AI.

Upcoming Event:

13.08.24 – How to process documents: Challenges and how language models can contribute

What is actually behind document processing? In our next Meetup, we will delve into the world of documents, shedding light on the challenges and difficulties faced. From the diversity of data to approaches to solutions – we will show you what options there are for approaching the topic and look at some examples. We also take a look at the opportunities offered by chatbots and the contribution that methods such as RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) can make now and in the future. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, we will provide exciting insights and tips!

ab 16:45Doors Open
17:00 – 17:10Welcome & presentation of ScaDS.AIOliver Welz
17:15 – 17:30Keynote speech by KI Manufakturtba
17:35 – 17:50Keynote speech tba
17:55 – 18:10AI success story
from 18:15OpenLab: time for dialogue, discussions and networking
19:00Farewell & Announcement of the next MeetupOliver Welz

The Meetup at a glance


Are you interested in taking part in the event as a speaker or presenting your company? Please feel free to contact us.

Portrait of Oliver Welz

Oliver Welz

Leipzig University

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