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Living Lab Lecture Series

Voice assistants, cloud services, and smart applications: the future technologies of Artificial Intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in many areas of society, especially research. In our interdisciplinary and digital Living Lab Lecture Series, current and topical issues are examined from different perspectives.

The Living Lab Lecture Series has started with the topic „Ethics and Moral Code in Artificial Intelligence“, discussing transparency, privacy, and data protection in AI systems. Further lectures by researchers from ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig will follow every first Thursday of the month and will deal with different aspects of Data Science, Big Data, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Modeling Human-Environment Relationships and more. The digital events will take place as part of the ScaDS.AI Living Lab, with locations in Dresden and Leipzig. The aim of the Living Lab is to use demonstrators and interactive demonstrations to show how Big Data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and AI systems are used in our everyday lives. Together, we invite our visitors to engage with Data Science and AI alongside us. The interdisciplinary lecture series, which can be attended free of charge and without registration, offers an initial discussion platform for this purpose.

Events in the Living Lab Lecture Series

Upcoming Lectures

Previous Lectures







You can reach the permanent room for all lectures here:

The room will be accessible 5 minutes before the start of the lecture.

The participation is free for everyone.

No! Not at all. One of our goals in the Living Lab lecture series is to familiarize everyone with these topics.

You just need an up-to-date browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Chromium. We would also recommend using headphones for better audio quality.

Not unless you would like to! In general, there is no need to have a camera or microphone to participate in the lecture.

Alongside joining the discussion with your camera and microphone, there is also the possibility to submit your question and comments as a written comment in the Chat section.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.