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Big Data and AI in Business

As part of Data Week Leipzig 2022, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig organizes the fifth edition of Big Data and AI in Business (BDIB) on July 7th in German language. BDIB is a one-day workshop, which will take place at the New Town Hall Leipzig as part of the Data Week Leipzig.


Users of Big Data-technologies and AI in business and research will be given the opportunity to talk about their practical insights as well as challenges. We invite you to actively join the discussion and take part in BDIB 2022.

BDIB aims to foster the transfer of research results in the areas of Big Data, Data Science, and AI into business applications. Furthermore, we want to improve the practical and professional exchange of information between application partners and stakeholders in the Big Data and AI industry. Speakers of regionally and internationally operating organizations will present their practical experiences regarding new methods in Data Science, Big Data, and AI in specific business application areas. 

In addition to the program at the New Town Hall Leipzig, the Living Lab of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig invites to its premises and offers researchers the opportunity to present their latest research results using our demonstrators. Ultimately we try to inspire innovative approaches and establish a platform for further pilot projects and cooperations. All participants are invited to take part in a joint dinner at the end of the workshop.

We are looking forward to interesting discussions and enriching exchange. Further information regarding the program and speakers and registration process are published below as well as on the official website of Data Week.

TimePersonCompanyTitle of presentationLanguage
09:00 - 09:30Prof. Erhard Rahm & Dr. Eric PeukertLeipzig UniversityResearch and Transfer at the AI Center ScaDS.AIGerman
09:30 - 10:30Prof. Dr. Volker GruhnAdesso SEDeveloping Data-Driven Software –
It’s a Little Different After All
10:30 - 11:00BREAK
11:00 - 11:30Manish BhandariXITASO GmbHRecommendation System in Industrial ContextEnglish
11:30 - 12:00Armin Geisler and Alexander SmallaSENEC GmbH
IT Sonix Custom Development GmbH
PreSense – AI-based Predictive Maintenance ToolGerman
12:00 - 12:30Dr. Hanna KöpckeVistex GmbHBringing data to life with an intelligent
platform for market data analysis
12:30 - 13:30LUNCH
13:30 - 14:00Dr. Sebastian LehmannAppsfactory GmbHBridging the gap between Science and Business:
Challenges, Opportunities, Use-Cases
14:00 - 14:30Dr. Maximilian Pensel Alexander Thamm GmbHThe Data Journey and the Problem with Swarm IntelligenceGerman
14:30 - 15:00Dr. Martin HentschelSnowflakeSnowflake Eating Their Own Dog FoodGerman
15:00 - 15:30Jens Scholzprudsys AG AI in E-Commerce and Retail: Where are we? German
16:30 - 18:30Tour ScaDS.AI Living Lab
+ Presentation IKK/InfAI
Tour ScaDS.AI Living Lab
+ Presentation IKK/InfAI
Tour ScaDS.AI Living Lab I
+ Presentation IKK/InfA

Registration and ticketing

The ticket for the BDIB costs 75 €. This includes lunch, our BDIB Dinner at Ratskeller Leipzig and refreshments during breaks. Participation in the whole Data Week amounts to 210 €. 

BDIB at Data Week 2022

BDIB is part of the Data Week, which takes place between July 4th and July 8th 2022 in Leipzig. Data Week is a one week event focussing on digitization in heterogeneous areas of life as well as transparent, comprehensible and sustainable applications. In addition to a STEM focus, political, scientific and societal perspectives on AI and data are also integrated.


Neues Rathaus
Martin-Luther-Ring 4 – 6
04109 Leipzig

Check out our event calendar for more information about our upcoming events!

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.